LEAGUE RULES SEASON 2024-25 & Fines List
LEAGUE RULES SEASON 2024-25 & Fines List
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Full List of Team Contacts. Download for team colours.
No. Club Name Matchday Secretary Contact Matchday Secretary Email Contact Matchday Secretary Phone Contact
1 AFC D Havilland Joshua Davis joshua58davis@gmail.com 07933736901
2 AFC Hopwood Marc Jackson Marc.jackson@hotmail.com 07920397620
3 AFC Horwich Dale Ryan dale_ryan_1@hotmail.com 07787990502
4 AFC Radcliffe Rick Cullen rick_j.cullen86@hotmail.co.uk 07936 308478
5 AFC Radcliffe Edward Hunter-Carr Eddywall66@gmail.com 07368301801
6 Avenue FC Gaz Stanley 07950200133
7 Be The Change FC Lama 07379 633587
8 Be The Change FC Ian 07869 041615
9 Be The Change FC Gilbert 07913 670059
10 Be The Change FC Chris JNOCHRIS@hotmail.com 07513642117
11 Breightmet United FC Sean Hadcroft hadcroft80@gmail.com 07730537719
12 Breightmet Wanderers AFC 1 Marcus Worrall marcusworrall_23@hotmail.com 07515861665
13 Breightmet Wanderers AFC 1 Darren Nicholls d1920@live.de 07789212276
14 Breightmet Wanderers AFC 2 Carl Allsopp Carlallsopp23@gmail.com 07932653859
15 Breightmet Wanderers AFC 3 David Grime Davidgrime23@hotmail.co.uk 07534813948
16 Bridge FC 1st Danny Holland danny_holland18@live.co.uk 07817328883
17 Bridge FC 1st Danny Webster Dannywebster@me.com 07590 422256
18 Bridge FC Eagles 2nds Kaden Williamson 07704978382
19 Burnden Aces FC Gareth Roberts Burndenacesfc@gmail.com 07516 681615
20 Burnden Aces FC Wesley Jackson Burndenacesfc@gmail.com 07805 709704
21 Bury North Football Club Ash burynorthcfc@gmail.com 07584061443
22 Cartshaft FC Jade Colderley jadec@live.co.uk 07425154486
23 Clayton Athletic FC Alex Taylor alextaylor145@hotmail.co.uk 07890 031229
24 Duke of Wellington FC Mike Grogan mdgrogan@hotmail.co.uk 07814198238
25 Fox and Pine Villa FC Wayne Mayberry wayne.mayberry@live.co.uk 07900 246791
26 Game Cock FC Andrew Gray agraytransport@yahoo.com 07395334717
27 GTAS FC 1 Adam Trenney adamtrennery@msn.com 07473697009
28 GTAS FC 2 Keiran Pomroy pomroy191@gmail.com 07394 173426
29 Hogarths FC Thomas Culshaw thomasmarkculshaw@aol.com 07856 916660
30 Holcombe FC Darren Fazackerley secretary@holcombeafc.co.uk 07590 649496
31 JPS 1st Aaron Hayman aza_hayman@hotmail.com 07772 761497
32 JPS 2nd Jordan Paul info@jordanpaulsoccer.com 07779495372
33 Lancashire Hospitality FC Declan Crowley declancrowley@hotmail.co.uk 07415212001
34 Littleborough FC Jake Wilkinson Jake.wilkinson98@outlook.com 07931731739
35 Middletonians FC Stuart Thomas Middletoniansfc@gmail.com 07835423618
36 Millburn Football Club Cameron Cousin cameroncousin1@gmail.com 07540 287148
37 Norford United FC Warren Lomax warrenlomax@sky.com 07902 625461
38 North Manchester Lions FC 1st Anthony Chesters ant_4790@hotmail.co.uk 07929929235
39 North Manchester Lions FC res Ashley Weatherilt melanielou1985@gmail.com 07894530558
40 North Manchester Lions FC 3rds Ashley Weatherilt melanielou1985@gmail.com 07894530558
41 North Manchester Lions FC res Raul Gonzalez raul0121.rg@gmail.com 07835706277
42 North West Cobras FC John Scholes northwestcobras@gmail.com 07397 515103
43 Radcliffe Wanderers Jack Thornley Thornley1735@gmail.com 07719735161
44 Railway Rovers FC Luke Nicholson Nicholsonluke@icloud.com 07514 622967
45 Ramsbottom Hounds FC Ben Reid ramsbottomhounds@gmail.com 07718 174700
46 Rkix FC Lewis Stewart rkixfc@yahoo.com 07399 542331
47 Roach Dynamos JFC - Black Will Hawthorne William_hawthorne@rocketmail.com 07891 084121
48 Roach Dynamos JFC - Black James whitehead jtwhitehead17@gmail.com 07496 818007
49 Rochdalians AFC Chris Finn chrisfinn89@outlook.com 07538649089
50 Rochdalians AFC Scott Hopley elleouise8109@gmail.com 07548643841
51 Royton CCFC Craig Bowles craigbowles21@gmail.com 07766 885183
52 Summerseat United FC Martyn Hiller summerseatunitedfc@gmail.com 07765 390324
53 The Albion FC Rhys Odonovan rhys_odonovan@hotmail.co.uk 07863420443
54 Tikka Takka FC Kyle Derbyshire kyled07@hotmail.co.uk 07703387991
55 Totty Robins FC Armin Pishro pishroarmin@hotmail.com 07865 855271
56 Walmersley Conservative Club FC Tony Renzulli tony_renzulli@hotmail.com 07803751637
57 Wardle FC Richard Fielding vikkirik@icloud.com 07759127135
58 Wardleworth FC Azmat Khan azmat_rochdalefc@hotmail.co.uk 07590596085
Team Contacts 2024-25_v9 - Download / Open
LEAGUE RULES SEASON 2024-25 & Fines List
Matchday Stats from 31/01/2024 will now be taken from the Matchday app,
Referee Contact List 2024-25 For any referee issues please contact the Referee Secretary!