Team Photo 27.01.22
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Here at the HFA we take Safeguarding very seriously and it underpins everything that we do. To provide you with some further information please read the guide below, for young people aged 16-17 playing in Open-Aged (Adult) football teams:-
[Please click the 'Download/Open' underlined link at the bottom of this page].
Children’s rights are protected by law internationally and within the UK. A child is defined as anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. This means that as a 16 or 17 year old we have a duty to ensure you are kept safe. In football, we also understand that you may be ready to play in an Open-Aged (also known as ‘Adult’) football team. We want this to be the best experience it can be for you.
To raise a safeguarding concern please speak to the HFA County DSO, Danielle Harris:-
> Email:
> Call: 07555 754314
*IMPORTANT* Please share this information with any team mates who fall into this 16-17 age category.