League End
Xmas Cut Off
Hit Counter: 145,386
Reminder of Power Play Rules
The FA introduced the Power Play Rule in 2018 and the JKL allow it to be used in the under 7 to under 11 age categories only
The Power Play Rule is as follows:
During a match when the goal difference reaches 4, the losing team may field an
additional player. If the goal difference reaches 5, the losing team may field another
additional player (taking the total up to 2 additional players). At the point the goal
difference falls to 5, the losing team must withdraw one of their additional players. At
the point the goal difference falls to 3 the losing team must withdraw their final
additional player (this does not need to be the same player that was put on as the
additional player).
Development football is designed to create a learning and fun experience whilst
being challenged and enjoying the game.
JKL League.