7th November - Next Manager's Meeting
Held at: St Paul's Spring Grove West Derby L12 8SJ 7:00pm for 7:30pm start
Hit Counter: 786,671
Time: 7:30 Date: 04/07/2011
DATE: 4th July 2011
Time: 7pm for 7:30 start
Opening Prayer Paul Hey Inter Mitchell
Teams not present = South Parade, Skem Town & AS Childwall = £25 fine
To receive and confirm the Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting
All managers confirmed minutes received via email and available on the website throughout the season.
To consider any business arising there from
No comments arose from last years AGM minutes.
Dave Pugh FA information / New rules
Full information can be obtained from the FA or via the FA website. Overview of important changes
- Change in Discipline rule
- Game suspensions instead of days / Comes into effect 21 days after offence
- If refs do not put bookings in then the FA will deal with them
- Foul Play = 3 matches, Foul Lang = 2 matches, Stopping goal/2 yellows = 1 match
- No appeal is possible unless video evidence
- Secretaries will need to enter matches being missed by player on the form
- If a game is postponed they must inform the FA of change
- £75 fee if 6 bookings are reached
- Saturday & Sunday suspensions (S1-S7) are now separated issues / bans
- But misconduct is all football
- FA website can be used to check suspensions
To receive and adopt the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Account
Current statement (before payments made for Presentation Evening / trophies etc) = £6,274.00. An update balance will be available when all bills have been paid and new season funds and FA have been paid.
Election of Clubs to fill vacancies (as recommended by the Management Committee).
- Bridge Chapel FC (voted in by WDW / Breckfield)
- Christ Church (voted in by Bethel/Emmanuel)
- St Cuthberts (voted in by NG/Grassendale)
St Cuthberts will enter pending a meeting of the Church PCC on the 18th of July.
Ron explained decision process of new teams and how interviews had taken place with managers/new team leaders and phone calls had been made to pastors/leaders of the relevant new churches.
Ron also provided information on why teams had left the MCL. Teams that have left are St Aidans, Belgrave, Skem Town, AS Childwall, and Mill Lane.
Constitution of the Competition for ensuing season.
As per current constitution
Election of Officers and Management Committee.
All current management committee were happy to re-stand for the same current positions. There were no objections and all current members were re-elected.
Also, Henry Corbett was assigned as MCL Chaplin (he is not an officer or management committee but has been assigned as Chaplin and will be present regularly at monthly managers meetings).
Alteration of Rules, if any
- Tony Mitchell suggestion to add in rule concerning home teams failure to phone the referee by Wednesday at 10pm results in forfeit of game if no referee present on the Saturday. It was decided that this point is already in the Constitution under Section 10 D (page 9) and there was no need to change just to reiterate this point.
- Insurance upgrade teams must obtain their own insurance and proof of insurance must be provided before start of the season. The insurance cover must be at least equal to the £60 Bronze package offered by Blue Fin. www.bluefingroup.co.uk / www.sbjfootballpa.com
- Player registration forms for the coming season must now have photo ID. Photo ID must be on both the top and bottom slip of the form as per the forms sent out in June before the AGM.
Notes added on back page under amendments, signed and handed in.
Fix the date for the commencement and conclusion of playing season.
- START: Saturday 3rd September
- END: Saturday 5th May
- CLAIRE HOUSE SHIELD (replay) = Saturday 27th Aug TBC @ Litherland
Poor attendance this year
low amount taken for CH. Akeju Final much better so all teams and managers encouraged to attend both finals in future.
Other business of which due notice shall have been given and accepted as being relevant to an Annual General Meeting.
- Liverpool County Pitch Fees New forms, new method of payment. Costs increases and potential of reduction for MCL discussed.
- Payment / League Fees discussed as per emails already sent out.
- First managers meeting set for Monday 5th September 2011. Will be at St Cuthberts or Bridge Chapel. Confirmation will be sent out.
Closing Prayer Paul Hay Inter Mitchell