Club Contacts 24-25
Secretary Details 24/25
Hit Counter: 1,646,748
Harlow Police have contacted the League
The League is in receipt of correspondence from the Duty Inspector of Harlow Police Station concerning the parking on the grass verges particularly in the Parsloe Road area. The Police have photographic evidence of those that have ignored the law on parking on the pavement and grass verges. The Police have decided that no action will be taken for last Sundays game, however they WILL BE issuing parking tickets, which are £30, for those that disobey from now on. Please give consideration when parking to those in wheelchairs and prams who have to go into the road to get past a parked car. This goes for ALL areas where football takes place on a Sunday. Why not car share, thus saving money on petrol and would alleviate the parking problems. Please be advised that you have been warned and if you continue to park on the pavement then you have to pay the consequences.