Fixture Backlog Measures
Explains various options to manage fixture backlogs.
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Follow these key points to submit results correctly.
1. If you are expecting to receive the results text for your team but are not
receiving the text please let us know.
2. If you are receiving result texts you are not expecting to receive please let
us know.
3. If you receive a result text please either reply with the result or let us know
you are not the correct person so we can redirect the texts.
4. The deadline in SSYFL rules is to reply with a result by Monday night but the
earlier we receive a reply the better.
5. Agree the result to be submitted with your opponent and the referee, if the
results submitted do not match the League receives a conflict report to deal
6. Reply with the result in the following format which is also supported by an
example in the text you receive:
a. Home team score first as the teams appear in Full-Time, then the away team score followed by your team 4 digit short code included in the text. Remember to include a space between the score-line and the short code e.g. 3-2 ABC1, no space and it will fail.
b. Submitting a result in the correct score format without a short code will work in many cases, but to ensure it routes to the correct match include the short code. This is essential if you submit scores for multiple teams or have done so for other teams in the past that may still be active in Full-Time.
c. Do not change the format around, do not submit multiple results in a text, do not include anything else in your reply, this may corrupt the result or fail to update.
d. If the game is postponed and you receive a text, reply P-P followed by your short code as the score-line. We will request more information about the reason for postponement if required.
e. Do not use the result texts to raise enquiries about anything else.
7. Keep your mobile number up to date in WGS Myaccount
8. Alternatively, you may use the FA Matchday App to send your result.