Real Gima win Ian Kerwood Cup
Real Gima 1-0 Swanscombe Tigers
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The dates and venues for this seasons cup finals have been announced
All games except the G&M Motors Cup are 11:00 ko's
G&M Motors 25th April Dartford FC 7.45 ko
Senior Cup Good Friday 14th April Elite Venue
LCA 23rd April Guru Nanak FC
LCB 30th April Guru Nanak FC
Presidents Cup 1st May Elite Venue
Real Gima 1-0 Swanscombe Tigers
Me and my younger brother are both looking to join a club. I am 23, play anywhere out wide or as a central attacking midfielder. My brother is 17 and plays full back mainly left or right side. 07857457466
Albert Stavarache 07405249995