7th November - Next Manager's Meeting
Held at: St Paul's Spring Grove West Derby L12 8SJ 7:00pm for 7:30pm start
Hit Counter: 786,671
MINUTES... Date: 7th February 2011 Venue: Speke Baptist, Ganworth Road South, Speke, L24 2SG. Time: 19:00 for a 19:30 start
OPENING PRAYER: Cosh - South Parade
Ron Clayton
Wavertree Ath
St Aidens
Absent with no Apology...
Sefton Churches
St Christophers
The following teams will be fined and owe money...
Meols = £40
Quest = £20
Sefton C = £30
St Aidens = £30
St Christophers = £20
Wavertree = £20
- Even if referee is getting things wrong respect still has to be given as 2 wrongs don't make it right.
- We do take onboard when a referee is not performing but we do it over a series of games as we all have off days.
- We are in talks with John Burton re some referees and will inform the actions we will be taking.
- St Aidens owe a referee fee to Gerry OBrien please pay one of the Committee or contact John Burton re the fee.
- Please keep looking ahead and checking for changes and checking for potential dates game can be re-arranged
- National Cup games
thanks to those teams keeping Dan informed
please continue to do so
- Akeju Cup Final has been moved to early May due to availability of show pitch at County Headquarters. Probably Saturday 7th of May
- Claire House
looking for Venue / Show Pitch. Money Available. Mid May or Midweek at end of April / Start of May
Cup Semis
- Due to be played on the 12th of March but with the need of a neutral venue and linesmen/women the Claire House Semis will be moved to the weekend after (19/03/11)
- Coin tossed for home and aways
only for nets/ref contact (see website)
- Neutral venue probably Thomas Lane due to Focus and Belgrave being in Semis
check 3 pitches avail and St Aidens OK to move to 3rd pitch as they have league game at home on the 12th March.
- Congrats to the following teams
Trophy... ELIM, West Derby Warriors, AFC Norris Green - these have all reached the Quarter Finals.
There are still some 3rd round games to be played in the National Cup but potentially there could be 5 MCL representatives out of the final 8 teams.
Contact list / tel numbers now added
please check info is up to date. Let Dan know if info / numbers not correct.
- Some teams are lax at getting team sheets in please bring them upto date asap.
- Again can teams please not put pound coins in envelopes when sending PRF.
- Treasurer: due to Arthurs personal position League looking for Treasurer. Please apply to Ronnie Clayton. The league will also be approaching a few individuals to ask if they would like to come on board and the committee would really appreciate the help with this role.
NEXT MEETING: 7th March 2011. VENUE = AC Mitchell. L11 1EQ
CLOSING PRAYER - Cosh (South Parade)