Development Fixtures finish May 12th
Development games in the U7s to U12s age group will be fixtured up to Saturday May 12th.
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There are two meetings planned for Monday 11th and Monday 25th January, commencing at 8pm at The Lamb, to discuss refereeing.
These meeting will include a talk regarding the Respect campaign and also what we are now doing regarding the mentoring of new referees. This will also be the managers chance to discuss any issues they have with refereeing in the Tamworth Junior League. We are planning to get all the referees in at a later date to discuss what has come up at these meetings. Please let your Club Secretary know which of these dates you will be attending so he or she can pass it on to the League.
Development games in the U7s to U12s age group will be fixtured up to Saturday May 12th.
As per league rules there will be no fixtures on Easter Saturday (March 31st) and Sunday (1st April). Fixtures resume the following weekend (April 7th & 8th) in all age groups.
Tamworth Borough council have called off all pitches at Anker Valley this weekend - 3rd/4th March.