Cambridge & District Cols League Rules
Please make sure that all teams are aware of the Rules that govern the League.
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5 vacancies on Cambridge and District Colts Committee
The Cambridge and District Colts League Committee currently have 5 vacancies which we are struggling to fill. Are you or anyone you know interested in filling one of these vacancies? The position is open to anyone with an interest in football. There are 5 general committee meetings during the season, an AGM and usually 2 general meetings for member clubs. Committee members are also used to facilitate the cup finals held at Cambridge Stadium, guests at Memorial games and hosts to the presentation evening at Cambridge Corn Exchange. To apply please write to Brenda Ince MBE, Hon General Secretary. Candidates will be invited to an interview with the Executive Committee. Should you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact any officers of the club. The colts committee run the league on your behalf. Without an effective committee then the league could find itself in difficulty and unable to administer the league, Please Help
Please make sure that all teams are aware of the Rules that govern the League.
All Teams U12 to U18 are given Respect Vests by the Colts League. One Green to worn by the linesman, one Orange to be worn by a parent in a non confrontational role of helping promote Respect at the pitch side on matchday.
Please follow the link for the Rules of the Cambridge & District Colts League.