7th November - Next Manager's Meeting
Held at: St Paul's Spring Grove West Derby L12 8SJ 7:00pm for 7:30pm start
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Click here to see the minutes from the AGM held June 2010
Date: 07/06/10
Venue: AC Mitchell
Opening Prayer: Alan Culley AC Mitchell
Confirmation of minutes from previous AGM 2009-2010 Season
Read by Ron Clayton, League Secretary, stating events/decisions and changes last year:
Election of new cubs (Norris Green B, AOB Jacobs, Inter Mitchell)
Changes to Constitution
ref fee increased to £25, photos on player reg forms (not passed)
Vote: Norris Green to be allowed to have 2 teams with a reserve team format (not passed)
Vote: St Peters to be allowed to re-enter the MCL (passed) entered into Division 3
Any business arising from previous AGM minutes?
No questions or concerns were raised
2010 Annual report, balance sheet and statement of Accounts
Read by Arthur Parkinson, League Treasurer
Latest Statement, May 2010 = £7,260.94
Arthur expressed that we need to take into consideration that the monies paid for the presentation evening (food, medals, venue, 5 a side comp, donation to Claire House etc) have not come out of the account as yet and the cost of this would total around £3,500-£4,000.
The accounts are in a healthy position due to the growth of the league. Previous balances as follows:
May 2009 = £5,440.29
May 2008 = £3,177.29
Election of Officers and Management Committee
Alan Culley voted in as Chairman. Ronnie proposed, Dan seconded. PASSED
Managers and committee welcomed Alan onto the committee table and Alan stated that he was looking forward to being involved in the coming season.
Election of new clubs
Each club representative was asked to stand and introduce themselves and inform the room about their club, their connection with the church, and the ratio of the number of Christians in their team.
Emmanuel - Graham Musker / Pete Smullen - Proposed: Bernard / Seconded: Arthur
Cressington - Drew Daniels - Proposed: David / Seconded: Forbes
All Saints - David Hall - Proposed: Ronnie / Seconded: Kevin
St Margaret Marys - Proposed: John / Seconded: David
All new teams were elected and welcomed into the MCL by the other managers and the committee.
Constitution of the competition for the ensuing season
Only 1 amendment / issue was raised prior to the AGM
The proposal was from Dan Pennington (Breckfield FC) to confirm the make up of double headers. The proposal was that double headers would only be played when absolutely necessary and the make up would be 2 separate games played on a Saturday morning consisting of 2 x 30 minute halves each game. The 2 games are treated as entirely separate games so a new/different team can start the second game etc just as if it was being played the following week.
Dave Pugh from the County FA confirmed that this is how games should be played and also confirmed that common sense should be used if a player is sent off in the first game etc. The ref must also be paid twice (once by home team and once by away team).
The proposal was passed and the format will be added to the constitution for the season 2010-2011.
No other issues or amendments to the constitution were raised.
Alteration of Rules / fees etc. If any.
Date Set for the commencement of Season 2010-2011
Saturday 4th September 2010
Please note: Division 1 teams will play 2 x midweek games the first 2 weeks of the season. Please ensure your ground will be available and have a free pitch on Tuesday 7th and/or 14th of September.
Please inform Dan Pennington, fixture secretary, of any issues/concerns.
Other business of which due notice shall have been given and accepted as being relevant to an Annual General Meeting.
Closing Prayer Alan Culley
24 MCL registered teams attended the AGM.
4 new teams were also present
4 teams who we expect to be playing in the coming season were not present and will be fined £25 for non attendance. Please add this fee to your payment for the coming season
South Parade
St Aidens
St Bridgets