Badshot Lea U10 Piranhas

Badshot Lea U10 Piranhas

Upcoming Fixtures

All Fixtures

Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
L 16/11/24 08:00 Fleet Spurs Athletico VS Badshot Lea Piranhas KENNELS LANE #3
L 23/11/24 10:00 Badshot Lea Piranhas VS Camberley Town Rebels WESTFIELD LANE (BADSHOT LEA FC)
L 30/11/24 09:30 Badshot Lea Piranhas VS Liphook United Leopards WESTFIELD LANE (BADSHOT LEA FC)
L 14/12/24 08:00 Farnham Town Jaguars VS Badshot Lea Piranhas MONKTON LANE 5v5 1
L 11/01/25 08:00 Badshot Lea Piranhas VS Goldsworth Park Rangers Giants BADSHOT LEA RECREATION GROUND AND GREEN 1
L 18/01/25 08:00 Camberley Town Raiders VS Badshot Lea Piranhas SOUTH CAMBERLEY PRIMARY SCHOOL (JUNIOR CAMPUS) #2
L 25/01/25 08:00 Badshot Lea Piranhas VS Hartley Wintney Kites BADSHOT LEA RECREATION GROUND AND GREEN 1
L 08/02/25 08:00 Churt Junior Lions VS Badshot Lea Piranhas WAVERLEY ABBEY JUNIOR SCHOOL 1 Churt 7v7/9v9
L 15/02/25 08:00 Badshot Lea Piranhas VS Bourne Blades Foxes BADSHOT LEA RECREATION GROUND AND GREEN 1

There's currently no player statistics to display. Players' names are no longer displayed for youth leagues.

Team Season

All Results

Date Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

Team Season Totals

All Results

Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

There are no players to display. Players' names are no longer displayed for youth leagues.