Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas

Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas

Upcoming Fixtures

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Type Date / Time Home Team Away Team Venue
L 04/01/25 09:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas VS Qualitas Sport U7 _Arc 3G Astro #1
L 11/01/25 00:00 Sleetmoor United FC U7 Raptors VS Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas Sleetmoor United FC U7 Raptors
Cup 11/01/25 00:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas VS Ashover Juniors U7 Orange Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas
L 18/01/25 11:00 Clowne Comets J.F.C. U7 VS Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas _Arc 3G Astro #1
L 25/01/25 00:00 Staveley Miners Welfare J.F.C. U7 VS Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas Staveley Miners Welfare J.F.C. U7
L 01/02/25 00:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Rattlesnakes VS Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas Wingerworth J S A U7 Rattlesnakes
L 08/02/25 00:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas VS AG Sports Academy U7 Elites Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas
L 15/02/25 00:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas VS Sleetmoor United FC U7 Raptors Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas
L 22/02/25 00:00 AG Sports Academy U7 Elites VS Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas AG Sports Academy U7 Elites
L 01/03/25 00:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas VS Hasland Community U7 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas
L 08/03/25 00:00 New Tupton Ivanhoe U7 Black VS Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas New Tupton Ivanhoe New Tupton Ivanhoe FC
L 03/05/25 00:00 Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas VS Somersall Rangers U7 Fury Wingerworth J S A U7 Pumas

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Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Form

There are no players to display. Players' names are no longer displayed for youth leagues.